Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fabric shopping

Ohhh- I went to Bear Paws and Hollyhocks today! It was their
3rd anniversary. I saw my cousin Sue who works there, got to
visit with my BFF Annette (we drove together), and purchased some
awesome fabric with a Christmas gift certificate from my
Mom and Dad. Here we are, me on the left (The cupcakes were
very tasty!) Annette is the one who talked/tempted me into quilting
5 years ago. I am so glad she did.

They had some very fun games,
this was "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", quilter style!

Here are the fat quarters I purchased. Civil War fabric on the
bottom. I will be using it to add to the stash in the next picture to
make a tumbler quilt for our room. The yardage on top will be for the
backing of my tumbler. I also got some 30's fabric for my ever growing
stash of 30's/40's fabric. I love all this fabric!

Here is the Civil War fabric I have been gathering for
the tumbler. Between these two, I think I will have enough
for the king size quilt!

Have a great weekend!
Love, Moorea

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