Wednesday, February 13, 2008

U. Stinkus Regularis

Here is a picture never captured before on film. Is is a U. Stinkus Regularis.
This rare photo shows a U. Stinkus asleep in the upright position on a sofa.
It has been asleep like this for 2 hours, following a night of restlessness due
to the common cold virus. Not shown in the picture is the family that usually
accompanies this U. Stinkus talking and watching T.V. and it is still asleep
amidst all the commotion! (National Geographic's got nothing on me!)

Love, Moorea

1 comment:

DoriAnn said...

Oh my gosh, you have one of those in your house! ha Mine have all disappeared, I might need to borrow it so I can get my fix.

(I'll wait until he's past the common cold virus thank you)
