Friday, February 8, 2008

Sick Puppies

Aren't they amazing?! They have pink stripes. They are in full bloom.

We were supposed to be going to a couples retreat tonight, put on by our church.

Dangnabbit, we even had a sitter- for overnight!!! Oh well, the Lord knows...

But I was very sick this week (in bed almost all of two days)
Erik is now sick and Jacob is well...take a look for yourself.

This is one sick puppy. He's saying "GET that camera outta my FACE!"
Diagnosis: Teething
Symptoms: 4 huge teeth erupting through each gum, temp., runny nose,
exhausted, won't eat much (exceptions made, see below.)

This is the ONE excepition: French frys.

Here is the other sick puppy. On the couch, under the "sick quilt", fast asleep at 6pm!!!
Diagnosis: He's got what I got. The Grunge.
Symptoms: High fever, achyness, exhaustion, BAD cough.

Take care & have a great weekend.
Think of me, getting snot at whatnot on my t-shirts. ;o)

Love, Moorea

1 comment:

Mrs. W. said...

Continued prayer for your health and everyoone else, dear heart.

Beautiful flowers! Thank you for the inspiration of God's glory!

Love from,

Mrs. W.