at the thrift store. Although my grandma did not quilt, she had one of
these frames stored in the basement. She used to pick up all kinds of
antiques and horde them. Princess Buttercup and I looked at it, but
agreed it would never be used because neither of us would put it on a
pulley system on our ceilings! The "thousand nails" around the edge
dissuaded us from assembling it. Anyhow... this is such a cool pic.
I wish I could get you all together for a quilting bee,
wouldn't that be fun? Hey Lucy- I figured out how to use the scanner,
but it does take time.
Love, Moorea
Oh your blog is so fun! Thank you for joining my quilters list!
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog! That is a really neat photo. Thanks for sharing it!
Hi Moorea, thank you for your comments to my blog! Loved yours too! Happy Quilting, Mary
A quilting bee...yes that would be fun!
Thank you for visiting my blog, Yours is great too! Visit again soon.
Actually... I still have the quilt frame sitting in a corner (it's broken down and tied in a bundle). If anyone wants it, just holler and you can have it for shipping. Unless Moorea wants it back...
I cannot believe you still have it! Nope, I do not want it, but anyone who does, just leave a note and I will email you with the particulars.
I thought you for sure saw it standing in the corner behind my front door (where I put it to go out for a yardsale last fall and forgot about it...you know me...)and I was mortified. Blends in pretty well I guess.
Anyway, someone, please take it!
What a great photo!
Hey, what about donating it to Sutters Fort?
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