I finally found a pic of the quilt I made for my brother Matt using this
fabric. It is called "Camoflauge Courthouse Steps."
Hello, I have been cleaning off my project shelf and came across this
bunch of fabric that I was going to use for ANOTHER quilt for my
brother Matt! But, he just got married and I decided that the LAST
thing I want to do is make another strange quilt his poor wife
will need to live with- so... I am giving all this fabric away!
Besides, I promised them a picnic quilt with fabric she has picked,
so I need to get to making it!
Please leave a comment as to what you think you'd use it for.
If you have no idea, just NEED to have it- well then, put that down!
ENDS in 2 weeks, OCT 14th.
OK! The Winner is...Nance! I was reorganizing my fabric and
found even more of this funky fabric to add to it, so you are
now getting 1.7 lb. Nance email me your snail mail address!
Thank you all for entering! Come back soon as I am going to
have another fabric giveaway next week! It will be scrap bag
fabric; brights and novelties.
Love, Moorea
Maybe an I spy quilt?
Ooh, that's a good idea!
Looks perfect for a snuggle quilt for our cottage up in Northern Vermont!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I think putting it with nature fabric, such as small animals and trees and making a quilt. It looks like camouflage fabric, so I think of animals habitats.
Wow! I love this fabric. It looks like I could use it in an applique quilt I'm making named "Living in the Timber". We live in the country, halfway down a mountain and in the timber. We retired here (Ozark Mountains) in 2000 and love it here!
I am looking for some of those same colors for a fall quilt. I have some but those would be so perfect. It would also look good for a quilt to hang at our family lake house.
Looks perfect for making wrist cuffs for my 7 year old and 3 year old "all-boy" boys. They would be the envy of all their skateboarding friends!
I can't thank you enough for the material.. I look forward to getting it and planning the quilt for the lake house..
Thank you again,
I like the quilt you made for your brother, you are so talented.
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